SEO Resources Vol. 9
There’s no need to have a lot of technical knowledge to achieve quick SEO wins. Google’s Search Console, for example, can lead to great insights, provided that you’re eager to explore them. Laura Hogan, Head of Search at Rice Media, shared her own tips at Brighton SEO on how to use Search Console.
Like any marketing channel, SEO is an investment. Whether you’re using in-house resources or hiring SEO agency to do the work, SEO isn’t free. To make the most of your SEO time (and perhaps direct financial) investment, it’s helpful to have an SEO strategy established to be your road map for execution.
There are number of factors which make your mobile website rank higher (or lower) in Google, and they can be safely divided into three major groups: technical, user experience and content. There’s an additional group for a few other factors that can’t be included into the previous three, but still deserve mention.